Welcome to bestwaytomakemoneyontheside.com! This website is about my journey searching for the best way to make money on the side. I have been on this journey for some time and I believe I have found the best way to do it. After trying several methods and not succeeding I kind of stumbled upon a website that opened my eyes to something that I think works, Affiliate Marketing.
Hello! My name is Adam Franklin and I am just a normal (somewhat) person going through life. I have a regular 9-5 job that I like, a Jeep Wrangler that I love and great family and friends. As much as I like my job it just does not pay me enough to do all the things I love and want to do. I want to buy a home for my future family, I want to travel and enjoy what our world has to offer and take care of the people I care about. A couple of years ago I began this journey of looking for the best way to make money on the side, and I tried many ways. I tried to take surveys online, doing mystery shopping and I tried whatever else I could find to help finance my future.
One day searching online for a new way to make money on the side, I stumbled on to a website where this guy talked about affiliate marketing. I had no idea what affiliate marketing was but I was intrigued, intrigued by this guy’s story, and what really got me was that he posted his monthly earnings every month with a break down of his revenue. I couldn’t believe it! I was amazed! I was shocked! This guy was bringing in really good money by doing this affiliate marketing stuff. I then decided to find out all I could about affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is when you promote someone else’s products or services and then earn a commission when people you refer purchase the product or service. It sounded easy enough so I immersed myself in the world of affiliate marketing. I wanted to learn everything I could, I was like a sponge soaking in all the information I found. That’s when I stumbled on to another website that was all about affiliate marketing, it is called Wealthy Affiliate. I am so lucky I found this site because I have learned a great deal and I can’t be more grateful.
I want to help people do the things they love. For me that is making extra money so I can do those very things. I am sure there are many people out there who feel like I do. I am beginning this adventure in affiliate marketing and I want others who feel like I do to come on this journey with me and discover the best way to make money on the side.
The goal of my website is to take you on this affiliate marketing adventure. I am going to post about tips and tricks I have learned along the way. There will be posts with reviews about products and services that I have used or tried. I will also build a niche website and I will have posts that document the whole process. I want you to come on this adventure with me because I want to help you achieve your dreams and goals, and to learn about the best way to make money on the side.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below or contact me here and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
Adam Franklin